(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 美国Reddit论坛上有一篇美网友讨论中国球迷给NBA球员取中文绰号的帖子,美网友纷纷被中国球迷的智慧所折服。 ***该篇帖子的内容*** China is crazy for the NBA and Chinese netizens have created their own (or improved upon) several NBA players' nicknames. Chinese nicknames are often incredibly layered puns, sometimes playing on the written form of the name, sometimes on their playing style, or other traits of the player. Identify the NBA player for each nickname. NBA在中国非常受欢迎,而且中国的球迷还给部分NBA球员取了各种中文绰号(或者在球员原有的绰号上进行了升级改良)。 球员的那些中文绰号往往语含双关,取得都非常漂亮!有时候那些绰号的灵感来自球员的名字,有时候源自球员的打球风格,或者球员的其他特征。 我们来猜一猜下面这些绰号到底是给哪些NBA球员的吧~~~ Examples 例题: 1. Skyfucker*(库日天) Nicknamed so for his penchant of launching shots into the sky [PG, GSW] 提示:得此绰号,因这名球员善射,并喜欢将球朝天而射。(此人是勇士队后卫) Answer: Stephen Curry 答案:斯蒂芬-库里 2. Letters Bro*(字母哥) Since his name has so so many letters… [PF, Bucks] 提示:得此绰号,因这名球员的名字里面有太多太多字母了。。。(他是雄鹿队前锋) Answer: Giannis Antetokounmpo 答案:扬尼斯-阿德托昆博 On to the questions… 试卷正题 • 20 questions in all 全卷20题 • 5 points per correct answer 一题5分 • For a maximum of 20x5 = 100 points 满分100分 1. Human Peristalsis*(人类蠕动精华) Because he plays sooo slowly…. 提示:得此绰号,因为这人打球动作实在太…慢…了… Answer: Kyle “Slo-Mo” Anderson 答案:凯尔-安德森 2. Ninja turtle*(忍者神龟) Because he looks like one… 提示:得此绰号,因为他长得像忍者神龟中的其中一只。 Answer: Russell Westbrook 答案:拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克 3. Shoe King*(鞋王) Because of this player’s absurdly large collection of sneakers 提示:因为这名球员疯狂收藏了大量的球鞋。 Answer: PJ Tucker、 答案:PJ-塔克 4. Nerve Knife(神经刀) Because he's so inconsistent, it's like taking a knife to your nerves. Hint: has won NBA 6MOTY award, currently retired 提示:这人投射极其不稳定,好像他的神经线上有把刀,神经随时会断。 提示2:他拿过最佳第六人,现已退役。 Answer: JR Smith 答案:JR-史密斯 5. Gaffe God*(囧神) The only Shaqtin'-a-Fool multi-MVP 提示:唯一一个多次夺得“五大囧”MVP的男人。 Answer: Javale McGee 答案:贾维尔-麦基 6. Flying fat pig(空中飞猪) This chonky-at-times HoF-er flew around for his rebounds… 提示:这名矮胖的名人堂成员,曾经抢起篮板来飞得到处都是。 Answer: Charles Barkley 答案:查尔斯-巴克利 7. Fat Cola*(胖可乐) This is a play on his name as well as the fact that he used to drink 2-3 liters of Coke daily 提示:这个绰号与这名球员的英文名有部分谐音,同时,也是因为这名球员爱喝可乐,曾经一天喝3升。 Answer: Nikola Jokic 答案:尼科拉-约基奇 8. The Lord of the Rings(指环王) Because this player has all of 'em rings… 提示:因为这名球员赢得的冠军戒指可以戴满他所有的手指。 Answer: Bill Russell 答案:比尔-拉塞尔 9. No Eyebrow Knight(无眉大侠) Answer: Charlie Villanueva 答案:查理-维兰纽瓦 (老球迷应该都知道维拉纽瓦) 10. Mattress(床垫“席梦思”) Some believe this is because a Chinese word for mattress happens to sound like this player's last name: _________. Also, this Chinese word for "mattress" originally came from the Chinese name of the _________ mattress company. The ________ mattress company has become genericized for mattresses in China (kinda like how Kleenex or Band-Aid are genericized brands) PS: In hindsight, this also works well because this player soft af 提示:有人认为取这个绰号的原因,是因为中文把床垫叫“席梦思”,它与这名球员的姓氏听上去很像。同时,中国人普遍将床垫称作“席梦思”,是源自一家美国床垫品牌“席梦思”。(和美国普遍将纸巾通叫“舒洁”,把创可贴叫“邦迪”类似。) 提示2:从事后看,这个绰号也是比较贴切的,因为这名球员确实打球软得一批。 Answer: Ben Simmons 答案:本-西蒙斯 11. Pampas Eagle --> Pampas Condor(潘帕斯雄鹰->潘帕斯秃鹰) He was nicknamed the Pampas Eagle when young, and then was nicknamed the Pampas Condor due to his baldness with age. 提示:这名球员年轻的时候被称作“潘帕斯雄鹰”,年级大了之后因为秃顶了,就被改称为“潘帕斯秃鹰”。 Answer: Manu Ginobili (Pampas refers to the grassland region in Argentina, akin to what we call prairie in America) 答案:马努-吉诺比利(潘帕斯指的是阿根廷草原,和美国这边的“北美大草原”类似。) 12. King of the Crabs (aka Six-Step ____)*(蟹皇,天龙六步或天龙八步) The OG King of the ‘Crab Dribble’ lol 提示:”螃蟹步”鼻祖,哈哈哈! Answer: Lebron James 答案:勒布朗-詹姆斯 13. Short Fin*(短芬) A player with short ‘fins’, a reference to his short-ish wingspan (his wingspan is barely 1 inch more than his height). Also a tiny bit of wordplay on his name. 提示:这个绰号指的是一位短臂球员,他的臂展可能撑死也就比他的身高长个1英寸(大概2.54厘米)吧;同时,这个昵称也玩了把这名球员的名字。 The last rookie to be an NBA All-Star. 提示:他是最近一位在新秀赛季就进全明星的球员。 Answer: Blake Griffin 答案:布雷克-格里芬 The Mamba Nicknames “曼巴”系列绰号 14. Box out Mamba (aka Aquaman)*(板曼巴,另有人称其“海王”) For his elite boxing-out abilities 提示:此名球员在抢篮板时挡人是他的拿手绝活。 Answer: Steven Adams 答案:史蒂文-亚当斯 15. Strength Conserving Mamba*(养生曼巴) Because people (back in 2018) felt that this former #1 overall pick was not not aggressive enough, and often avoided dunking. He did assuage some of those doubts with an all-star season in 2021-22 提示:2018年之前,大家觉得这位前状元郎,打球不用全力,经常不喜欢用扣篮完成终结。2021-22赛季进全明星后,他平息了部分对于他打球养生的质疑。 Answer: Andrew Wiggins 答案:安德鲁-维金斯 16. Technical Mamba*(技犯曼巴) For the innumerable techs this 4x All Star Center used to receive. Injuries have nearly forced him out of the league. 提示:这为曾经的4次全明星中锋,吃到过无数个技犯,而且伤病迫使他几乎与NBA远离了。 Answer: DeMarcus Cousins 答案:德马库斯-考辛斯 17. "Flat Mamba" (aka Potassium Iodide)*(平曼巴,又称“碘化钾”) 小编提示:地平说;碘化钾化学式KI Answer: Kyrie Irving 答案:凯里-欧文 18. Pancake Mamba*(饼曼巴) Because in Chinese scoring off of alley-oop lob passes is known as "eating pancakes". And this Center has almost always had an All-NBA guard teammate to feed him. 提示:因为在中国球迷眼中,接到空接助攻完成扣篮,他们称之为“吃饼”。而这名球员几乎每次都能和联盟最佳阵容的后卫一起打球,并得到后者的投喂。 Answer: Clint Capela 答案:克林特-卡佩拉 19. Coffin Mamba*(棺曼巴) People felt that this "16-game player" played like an old man in the regular season, but then suddenly comes back to life in the several deep playoff runs he has had in the past decade. 提示:大家觉得这位“一年只打16场球”的球员在常规赛跟个老头子似的,但是进入季后赛之后,他突然又变得生龙活虎,近十年的季后赛这名球员一直如此。 Answer: Andre Iguodala 答案:安德烈-伊戈达拉 20. Porcelain Mamba*(瓷曼巴) Nicknamed thus, for his efforts to draw fouls despite being hardly touched. In Chinese, “bumping porcelain” (碰瓷) is a euphemism for faking traffic accidents in order to fraudulently collect compensation. The expression dates to the Qing Dynasty, when scam artists would carry a fake porcelain vase and purposely bump into a rickshaw and drop the vase, causing it to shatter. This concept explains why NBA players who flop are called “Sons of Jingdezhen” (景德镇之子), since Jingdezhen is a town in China famous as a center of porcelain production. The above player is acknowledged as the master of this art & hence has been dubbed the “Mayor of Jingdezhen” (景德镇镇长), which we might translate more freely as the “Mayor of Floptown.” 提示:得此昵称,因这名球员在没有遭遇强身体对抗的情况下,仍然会努力地去造犯规。在中文语境中,“碰瓷”是对“伪造交通事故以骗取赔偿”的一种委婉说法。而”碰瓷”可以追溯到中国的清朝时期,当时的诈骗好手,会手捧一个假瓷瓶子,故意找一辆马车撞上去,然后把瓷瓶跌落,使其打碎以向受害者骗取赔偿。在这种背景下,也就不难解释为什么那些爱假摔的NBA球员会被叫做“景德镇之子”了,因为景德镇是中国著名的瓷器之乡。而本题提到的这名球员,因在“碰瓷”这项艺术上出类拔萃,被大家授予“景德镇镇长”的光荣称号,按咱们美国老乡的话说,就是“假摔市市长”。 Answer: James ‘Mayor of Jingdezhen’ Harden 答案:詹姆斯-景德镇镇长-哈登 ***帖子下面的美网友评论*** [–][SAS] Tim DuncanTitronnica 4 points 10 months ago Chinese fans are on an entirely different level, these are clever as fuck. The James ‘Mayor of Jingdezhen’ Harden is the funniest shit. Thanks for the fun post OP!! 马刺球迷:中国球迷一个个都是世外高人呐!!他们也太尼玛睿智了吧!!那个詹姆斯-景德镇镇长-哈登快搞笑死了啦!!!感谢楼主发了这篇这么有趣的帖子!!! [–]ThunderNinetyFish 45 points 10 months ago Skyfucker is still such a GOAT'd nickname lmao, great job on that one, Chinese fans. 雷霆球迷:“库日天”这个昵称到现在看来,还是天下第一啊,哈哈哈!干得好啊!!中国球迷们!!! [–]NBAeckliptic 8 points 10 months ago Skyfucker has many more layers and literary nuance than just “he launches a lot of shots against the sky” 球迷:“库日天”这个昵称其实有更多的含义以及中文的玄妙之处,不单单只是简单的“他投了很多射向天空的篮”。 [–]TzeShyuan 337 points 10 months ago Kyle Lowry's nickname 小钢炮 translates to little steel cannon, but irl its referring to hatchback cars. Kyle Lowry is nicknamed a hatchback because similarly he has a big backside. 球迷:洛瑞的昵称叫“小钢炮”,直译过来就是“steel cannon钢炮”,但其实它指的是掀背式两厢性能小轿车。洛瑞得到这个昵称,因为他和这种车一样,屁股大性能强! [–]San Francisco WarriorsRiskyyyRondo 225 points 10 months ago We need to refer to alley oops strictly as "pancakes" now 勇士球迷:看来咱们必须马上把空接叫成“吃饼”才行了! [–]Bucksintrospectivejoker 72 points 10 months ago I laughed the hardest at pancake mamba 雄鹿球迷:是啊,“饼曼巴”这个差点儿没把我给笑死!! [–]RaptorsFactCheckingThings 293 points 10 months ago I enjoy the "Mayor of Jingdezhen" it requires some explaining to make sense but with the info you provided its quite funny. 猛龙球迷:我很喜欢“景德镇镇长”这个昵称,虽然需要一点解释来让我们更好的理解,但是看完你的解释之后,这个昵称的搞笑就跃然纸上了!! [–][NYK] Tracy McGradyyoloqueuesf 127 points 10 months ago Some of these have other alternative nicknames: Wiggins - 枸杞哥 Wolfberry bro Jokic - 五花肉 Pork Belly or 约老师 Jokic Teacher Kyrie - 欧神仙 Irving Supernatural Being 麦迪球迷:我这儿还有一些其他的中文昵称: 维金斯 – 枸杞哥 约基奇 – 五花肉 欧文 – 欧神仙 [–]NetsPleasinglyReasonable 62 points 10 months ago Irving Supernatural Being is brilliant 篮网球迷:“欧神仙”这个太妙了~~ [–]76ersNotJoeyWheeler 16 points 10 months ago Pork Belly for Jokic is so good, so tasty 76人球迷:把约基奇叫做“五花肉”太搞了~甚至还有点好吃~~~ [–][deleted] 60 points 10 months ago Chinese nicknames are always crazy. In the game, League of Legends, they call one of the black characters Obama. 球迷:中文绰号都很牛的!在英雄联盟游戏里面,中国玩家还把一个黑人英雄叫成“奥巴马”呢!! [–]Lakersephemeralfugitive 12 points 10 months ago fitting, because Lucian is one of the coolest and funnest champions to play. 湖人球迷:嗯很贴切,因为卢锡安是英雄联盟游戏里面最酷最好玩的英雄之一~~ [–]exklepto 38 points 10 months ago Which Ninja Turtle would Russell Westbrook be, Raphael maybe? 球迷:威少是忍者神龟里面的哪只呢?也许是拉斐尔? [–]Supersonics_IceNinja 26 points 10 months ago Yeah, the hot-headed one, for sure. 超音速球迷:对!就是脾气火爆的那个,没跑儿了~~ (忍者神龟老二拉斐尔,头戴红色头带,手持双叉,脾气火爆) |
